Re-inserting the dark slide is a piece of cake. Nice touch! I did this to take some pictures with two of my cameras. The actual film pack is the same as before, albeit with a blue sticker on the front so if you ever need to unload your camera in a changing bag, you can still tell the black and white from the colour. Either way, welcome to the Impossible Challenge 😉 On the Surface Their website is a tad sketchy so I’m not sure if this is an old company with a new name or an industry newcomer. I’ve never heard of them, nor have many on the internet. I’ve you’ve been around film and processing as long as I have, you know the companies in the industry. Hence Impossible had to find a new partner: InovisCoat. Ilford are responsible for the PX100/600 chemicals, but as you may know they were never into colour films or chemicals.

He’ll also take a picture there and then. You can watch Mijonju do a Live Unboxing here. The single packets look just like PX 100/600, the only difference being colour stripes on the outside instead of grey ones. Nevertheless we are now dependent on your honest feedback, support, creativity, understanding and all your analogue passion to continuously improve it. We did our best to develop, produce and test this material with all our love and understanding. It is hard to believe that we really made it possible – with the help of our friends, customers and all the supporters who believe strongly in the Impossible Project. These 3 packs of shining instant color film in your hands are simply a miracle. You’ll also find these lovely words on the sleeve – like a personal message to the users of the first hour: No news here – it’s still sensitive to light right after exposure for up to two minutes. The sleeve gives you directions on how to treat the film when it comes out of the camera. Let me know if that’s your handwriting on those PX boxes 😉 The three packages are held together by an outer sleeve, which may or may not have been designed by Paul Giambarba. I feel reminded of the Grand Theft Auto Triple Pack when the stock arrived a couple of weeks ago. For this test, I’ve tried PX 70 in my new Golden SX-70. Let’s see what the Impossible Team have cooked up for us. Where the PX 100 and 600 materials already had to deal with 4 internal layers, the PX 70 new colour material has at least 15, maybe even more. However, as is always the case with colour over black and white, there’s a LOT more happening chemically.

At £1.40 per shot, that’s 70p cheaper than the £2.10 we’re currently paying for one PX 600 black and white picture.

This First Flush stock is currently available as a starter pack of 3x 8 shots for £34. Impossible have recently released their very first batch of Colour Material called PX 70 Color Shade.